The appearance of the craft was at first masked by an embankment of clouds above the city center, having swirled in a thunderstorm that precipitated the dread of that fateful evening for the city’s residents.
For a craft of such size, its emergence was strangely gradual, slipping sliently as it did through the folds of the clouds. Its grey hull neither reflected light nor absorbed it, appearing instead aberrantly normative against the slate grey skyline of concrete and steel that bore forth the city’s greatest constructions into the sky. It was as though a symbiotic entity born as the city’s match, or one so meticulously crafted as to blend effortlessly above it.
Indeed, the craft simply hovered there for quite some time, attracting a minor amount of attention from those who happened not to be too busy to gaze upwards into the sky. Largely avoiding notice, the unearthly alloys at the center of the craft unfurled gently as the void within them began to glow. It was then that the craft’s benign facade was dropped, as from within its glowing center came suddenly an unearthly cacophony of sound and a beam of light of such intensity that it seemed to permeate into the darkest corners of each and every alleyway. As these twin components found purchase on human ears and flesh their effects were near instantaneous - warping the bodies of those affected into alien forms or simply liquefying the bodies of those whose constitutions could not handle the stress. The entire SKY ROARS event had lasted mere moments - but its perpetrators had succeeded in seeding their kind on Earth forevermore.
VIZZEN makes his return to EATBRAIN with a debut EP that follows his appearance on the label’s recent Divergence V compilation. In unleashing the power of SKY ROARS & the three tracks within, VIZZEN ensures that his name shall reverberate in the ears of the EATBRAIN horde for a long time to come.
Release Date : November 29th, 2024
Catalog Number EATBRAIN 199